Hy-Vee Food Stores – Iowa’s largest employer – and MMS Consultants have enjoyed a longtime business relationship. MMS has provided services on many Hy-Vee projects.
Examples include construction of the Iowa City No. 1 store and later its renovation and expansion on Waterfront Drive, and the construction of Iowa City No. 2 at First Avenue and Muscatine as well as the expansion and update of the Dodge Street Hy-Vee in Iowa City. The Dodge Street project involved building a new grocery store and a convenience store next
door to the original site. Perhaps the most notable feature of the project is innovative use of underground tanks to manage stormwater.
MMS and Hy-Vee also partnered on two additions to the Coralville store and subdivision plans for the Crosspark Commerce Park with a new Hyvee and gas station on the edge of North Liberty and Coralville.
Over the years, MMS has also assisted with the construction of Hy-Vee stores in Fairfield, Waterloo (University Drive) and Cedar Rapids (Mount Vernon Road).
MMS services for Hy-Vee have included engineering design and site plans, stormwater pollution prevention, site grading, drainage plans, utility plans, topographic surveying, construction staking and permitting assistance.