MMS Consultants offers a wide variety of environmental and wetland services to assist in your project. These services include:
Wetland Delineation & Permitting
Section 404 permitting with Army Corps of Engineers
Coordination with the Department of Natural Resources
Coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and identification of Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat
Phase One Environmental Impact Analysis
Preliminary research of current and historical uses of a property to determine if a recognized environmental condition is present
Natural Resources Inventory
Indentification and inventory of ecosystems and regulated sensitive areas in accordance with local regulations
Natural Areas Consulting
We provide consulting services to work with land owners to create management plans for their landscapes. Have you ever thought about turning part of your property into a wild prairie? MMS Consultants can help make that a reality!
For questions and inquiries, call or email our Environmental Specialist, Lee Swank.